We have been following the shelter in place order here in PA very seriously. We really have not gone anywhere in 2 weeks. My husband is the one who has been going to the grocery store. But our last visit was 2 weeks ago.
We work from home, exercise, go for walks - and he's keeping up his runs, I hit up the office one morning a week for invoices and checks, we sit on the deck, listen to music - always music, we've done some house projects but not many.
Yesterday I needed to pick up prescriptions. And it was my first time out since the recommendation for wearing masks. It was stormy and dreary. I got dressed and gathered my mask and gloves and headed into the grocery store. They had a new set up - limiting how many people could be in the store at one time, arrows on the floor for which direction to navigate, spacing marks for standing in line. I actually wore a tightly woven hair bandanna - the kind runners use - doubled with a filter added instead of a mask. It fits tightly around my face and covered from just under my eyes to my neck.
This is what they look like. It fit tight on my nose and cheeks. I went to the pharmacy, picked up and paid for my prescriptions and left. In and out in 10 minutes.
When I got back to my car I peeled off the gloves turning them inside out and took off the mask. Then I proceeded to sit in my car and sob. I mean really sob. This just all seems so unreal - like a crazy, bad movie.
I think I have been ok with staying home - I am a home body at heart. But the reality hit yesterday wearing a mask and gloves. I can;t imagine being a hospital worker, pharmacy worker, grocery store worker, mailman, delivery person...headed to work daily wearing these protections and being on the frontline of this crisis. Sure it's hard being home, not seeing family and friends, not being able to just go somewhere. But I will happily do so to help in some small way so those who do have to face this every day are safer.