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One-Line Bio

Who I am: Sometimes blonde, sometimes brunette, more and more grey - born and raised in PA; overweight outside but a skinny person on the inside! I like to read, knit, bead, decorate, listen to music and be with my family. I do not like cleaning, doing laundry, grocery shopping or people who lie. When I grow up I want to be anything but an ACCOUNTANT! Maybe I'll be a gardener or artist...someday...when I grow up. What I love being is a mom and wife and daughter and sister and friend and now new grandmother (mimi).


100 Things About Me

1. I am married to the most wonderful man in the world. 2. I have two sons – 28 and 22. 3. I recently became a MIL – and just love her to pieces. She is everything a mother would want in a daughter. 4. I went to college to become an accountant. 5. PSU is my alma mater. 6. I love PSU football and basketball. 7. Dallas is our pound puppy – mixed Chihuahua/rat terrier who is the most jealous dog in the world but we love him anyway. 8. I’ve been married 28 years. 9. We will be empty nesters soon. ETA - Now truly empty-nesters....not sure I like it. 10. My favorite holiday is Christmas. 11. I also love Valentine’s Day. 12. Our oldest son was born on Valentine’s Day. 13. I use to own a gift shop that sold antiques and primitives. 14. I stopped that 11 years ago so I would have a steadier income. 15. I now work as an accountant – which I loathe. 16. My dream job is to own a coffee/tea/knitting shop. 17. I love the way coffee smells but hate the taste. 18. I adore tea! 19. I love to cook but hate to clean. 20. I belong to a book club but can’t stand half the ladies who belong because they are snobs and like to gossip. ETA - no longer part of the book club. 21. My best friend is my sister. I can tell her anything. 22. She passed away from lung cancer on 1/31/07 and I am lost without her. 23. My favorite color is red and sometimes blue but lately I have been really into green. But in 2010 I have decided I LOVE yellow. ETA - 2011 and still loving yellow! 24. I love to garden and have loved flowers and plants since I was a little girl. I inherited this from my maternal grandmother. 25. I learned to crochet and embroider from my great-grandmother and knit from my paternal grandmother. 26. My mother taught me to sew. 27. I usually only sew decorating items – pillows, curtains, etc – but I have the urge to make some clothes. 28. I want to buy a dress form to help tailor my clothes better. When I’m not using it I want to dress it up. 29. I love to change the colors of the walls in my house. I do all the painting in the house. 30. I also do all the landscaping. 31. My son and husband only mow the lawn and maybe trim shrubs with my supervision. 32. I live in a tiny cottage home - which I love but needs some work. 33. I love to eat and my body shows it. I am overweight and hating it. 34. I hate to exercise but know I need to start. 35. I'm lucky my husband loves me no matter what size I am and has NEVER said anything about me being overweight. 36. My mother on the other hand - always makes comments about my weight but then always tries to get me to eat too. WHATEVER! 37. I LOVE the beach. I love to sit on the beach and people watch and listen to the ocean and watch all the birds and sea creatures. 38. While I love the beach - I hate humid weather. 39. I love to knit but have only ever finished projects like scarves, hats and felted purses. I long to make a sweater or a lacy shawl - but start them and never finish them..... 40. I now can knit lace and shawls and sweaters! 41. I am truly a shy person. 42. I still hate being an accountant. 43. I meet up with my knitty girls at Panera on Tuesdays. We laugh a lot. 44. I like to take pictures but am not good at it...thank goodness for digital cameras. 45. I want to learn to bake bread. Nothing smells better than a house while bread is baking. 46. I love to learn - and want to take classes in photography and wine appreciation and master gardening - the important things in life. ;-) 47. I never liked beer - until I found out about microbrews - yummmmmmm - love hoppy beer...mmmmmmm.... 48. I also love wine. 49. I sound like an alcoholic...but I'm not. 50. I hate people who lie. 51. I adore my husband! 52. I think my boys are the greatest thing in the world. They turned out to be wonderful, thoughtful young men. 53. I am scared of dying young......... 54. I want to live everyday like it is my last. 55. But sometimes I forget........... 56. I am very all aspects of my life. 57. I am tired of being overweight.....I am truly a thin person inside...but then I see myself in the mirror and wonder who is that fat person? 58. I would love to be a housewife and not have to work. 59. I am a homebody at heart. 60. I hate to fly but recently have decided I want to travel. 61. I am tired of living life safely...I want to spread my wings. 62. I am claustrophobic...big time... 63. I have enough yarn to last me a lifetime............sigh.... 64. I love to read but it interferes with my knitting time. 65. I am trying to train myself to need less sleep and still be functional. 66. Sometimes this works and sometimes it catches up with me. 67. My best thing in life and biggest accomplishment is being a mom. 68. I also adore being married...especially to my hubby. 69. Hubby and I think so much a like...we are always finishing each others thoughts. 70. I adore my extended family and love spending time with them. 71. We love to camp and hike. 72. I want to bike more often. 73. And learn to kayak. 74. I love to garden and wish I had more space to do so. 75. I want to start composting. 76. We installed a rain barrel this year and use it to water our tiny vegetable garden. 77. I actually flew for the first time in 25+ New Orleans...and while the city is quite dirty...I am enthralled with the city and its architecture. 78. I now have the travel bug...big time! 79. Our youngest son just got engaged...we adore her! 80. I recently lost 58 lbs. only to gain 22 back...hope to be back on track now...hope to lose 60 more. 81. Tired of looking frumpy...plans to update my wardrobe are in the works. 82. Took my first the Caribbean. Had a great time. 83. About to turn 50! 84. Will be a grandmother in a week or so...can't wait! 85. Still overweight...still hating it. 86. Working on reorganizing our house and redecorating. It is always a work in progress. 87. Update - turn 53 this year. YIKES! 88. Am a grandmother of two dear, sweet baby girls - Avery and Harper. 89. Had two big health issues in 2013 not life and death but life changing. 90. Celebrated 30 years of marriage! 91. Our younger son was recently married. 92. Am lucky to have two great DILs!


knitting, gardening, soccer, sewing, spending time with my family